We are excited to announce the launch of our new animated video series aimed at educating minors on strategies to prevent cyberbullying, grooming, human trafficking, and misinformation. Over the past few months, our team has been hard at work conceptualizing, designing, and producing this innovative 4-part series. Set ...


Educating Youth on Cybercrime through Engaging Quizzes

The RAYUELA project implemented an innovative cybercrime education campaign using online quizzes to engage youth. The 5-month campaign was hosted on Instagram and TikTok, with teenagers and young adults as the target audience. Each month, the quiz topics related to cybercrimes, including fake news, cyberbullying, onlin...


RAYUELA TikTok awareness-raising campaign 

Raising Awareness on TikTok: A Creative Youth Campaign Against Cybercrime ALL DIGITAL carried out an innovative 5-month awareness-raising campaign on TikTok to educate teenagers and young people about cybercrimes. The campaign engaged young musical artists to produce original songs and videos tailored for the TikTok au...


Promotional branding material VOL.01

WP7as as its primary objective the effective promotion and dissemination of the RAYUELA PROJECTacross stakeholders and the general public. To ensure effective external and internal communication, we have produced a number of promotional tools and materials as part of the projectbranding.
