D1.1 Theoretical framework on cybercrime activities

This literature review addresses the main characteristics and circumstances of some of the most frequent cybercrimes in relation to minors: online grooming, cyberbullying, and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. To achieve a multidisciplinary framework, theories and findings from psychology, anthr...


D1.2 Report on interview results (per country/ final) [1/2]

In this deliverable we present the results of the analysis of the in-depth interviews conducted with experts, offenders and victims of the three cybercrimes studied in the project: online grooming, cyber bullying and human trafficking for sexual exploitation. In each crime, after a brief introduction, we describe the r...


D1.4 Report on case study results [1/2]

The aim of this deliverable is to analyze the information presented in the sentences of different countries. For that purpose, a systematic search of sentences was made in the different databases. The analysis of the sentences aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of offenders and victims, as well as to...


D1.6 Victim and offender profile description report

The main objective of this deliverable is to interconnect all the information provided in the previous deliverables; literature review (D1.1), court sentence analysis (D1.4) and the interviews report (D1.2) to formulate indicators of precipitation to crime and risk factors for both: the victim and the offender. We will...


D2.1 Analysis of Security and Privacy of connected devices

This deliverable is included in Work Package 2, “Technology assessment and IT threat landscape”. Specifically, this deliverable is the result of the work carried out in Task 2.1., “Analysis of the current IoT paradigm: available devices and vulnerability tests”. Thus, the main objective of this document is to s...


D2.4 Technological threats associated with the cybercrimes considered

This deliverable is one of the main outputs of task T2.3, which works as a link between WP1 and WP2. In WP1, the main human factors affecting the cybercrimes considered in the RAYUELA project (i.e., cyberbullying, online grooming, human trafficking, and misinformation) are analysed from different perspectives (e.g., ps...


D3.1 RAYUELA serious game design roadmap

This deliverable provides a detailed roadmap about the insights from technical WPs (WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6) and the process to design the serious game by integrating those insights about cybercrime behaviour and how it can be adequately implemented, observed, and measured within the game. To do so, Section 1 includes ...


D3.2 /D3.3 RAYUELA machine translation module

D3.2: This deliverable provides details of Task 3.2, whose main objective is to train Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems for the languages supported in the RAYUELA project: English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Greek, Estonian, and Slovak.  In general lines, this deliverable describes how the NMT systems were dev...


D3.4 – D3.6 RAYUELA serious game

D3.4: This deliverable provides the first prototype of the RAYUELA serious game based on the information included in D3.7 and D3.1. This implementation will be used for the the piloting phase described in deliverable D5.1. Two more releases of this deliverable will be provided in D3.5 (M24) and D3.6 (M30).  To do so, ...
