D3.7 – D3.9 RAYUELA interactive adventures
These reports will provide the storyline design for interactive adventures, which will be implemented and released in three versions.
D3.7: This deliverable provides the design of the two interactive adventures integrated in the prototype of the first release of the serious game based on the initial game design defined in D3.1. Two more releases of this deliverable, aligned with the serious game releases will be provided in M24 (D3.8) and M30 (D3.9).
This report includes 4 Sections. Section 1 provides an introduction of this deliverable. Section 2 defines not only the main story plot for the narrative of the serious game, but also the especification of the game mechanics, the interaction approach between player and game, the metrics to be collected during the game (based on the metrics defined in deliverable D3.1), and the screen flow. Section 3 details the two interactive adventures integrated in the first prototype of the RAYUELA serious game. Each adventure describes the main objective, the related cybercrime, and the link with the risks factors (defined in D1.1, D1.2 and D1.4) and a complete description including when and where it takes place, the dialogues available between players and NPCs and which actions/interactions players can perform. Finally, the last section of the deliverable includes the conclusions and future work for next releases.
D3.8: This deliverable provides a detailed description of the three interactive adventures integrated in the second release of the RAYUELA serious game. The two first adventures have been updated based on the feedback received on the validation workshops when using the first version of the serious game. One final release of this deliverable, aligned with the final serious game version, will be provided in D3.9 (M31).
Thus, this report includes 4 Sections. Section 1 provides an introduction of this deliverable. Section 2 defines not only the main story plot for the narrative of the serious game, but also the updated specification of the game mechanics, the interaction approach between player and game, the metrics to be collected during the game (based on the metrics defined in deliverable D3.1) and the screen flow. Section 3 details the three interactive adventures integrated in the second version. Each adventure describes the main objective, the related cybercrime and the link with the risk’s factors (defined in D1.1, D1.2, D1.4 and D1.6) and a complete description including when and where it takes place, the dialogues available between players and NPCs and which actions/interactions players can perform. Finally, the last section of the deliverable includes the conclusions and future work for the final release.
D3.9: This deliverable provides a detailed description of the six interactive adventures integrated in the final release of the RAYUELA serious game. The first three adventures have been updated based on the feedback received on the validation workshops when using the first version and the second version of the serious game. The last three adventures included in this final release will be validated in the final validation workshops planned from May and June 2023.
Thus, this document includes 4 Sections. Section 1 provides an introduction of this deliverable. Section 2 defines not only the main story plot for the narrative of the serious game, but also the updated specification of the game mechanics, the interaction approach between player and game, the metrics to be collected during the game (based on the metrics defined in deliverable D3.1), and the screen flow. Section 3 details the six interactive adventures integrated in the final version. Each adventure describes the main objective, the related cybercrime and the link with the risk’s factors (defined in D1.1, D1.2 and D1.4) and a complete description including when and where it takes place, the dialogues available between players and NPCs, and which actions/interactions players can perform. Finally, the last section of the deliverable includes the conclusions.