9th European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2022

Date: May 12, 2022 06:31 UTC

RAYUELA was presented, together with its sister project CC-DRIVER, at the 9th European Conference on Social Media ECSM 2022 that took place in Krakow (Poland) on May 12th & 13th. The conference attracted participants from more than 40 countries and was attended by a combination of academic scholars, public sector workers, practitioners, and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of the social media industry. The presentation was titled “Understanding online behavioral patterns and young cybercriminality”. PLV took advantage of its participation at the conference to have bilateral meetings with the National Police of Warsaw and Krakow to exchange good practices and discuss future collaborations. RAYUELA and CC-DRIVER were presented to the LEAs.

Links: Speakers:
  • Rubén Fernández Bleda Rubén Fernández Bleda
  • José Luis Diego José Luis Diego